Kent Family lavender photoshoots are the most popular thing I photograph in a year. The Kent Lavender fields, at Castle Farm in Shoreham, are only in bloom for a short period and as professional photographers we are allowed to hire the fields, in the evenings to photograph our clients.
Shoots start in early July and I always shoot in the evening to benefit from the best light. Bespoke, full family sessions are available on request.
Your £199 voucher includes:
- 25 minute lavender photoshoot
- 3 fully edited digital images
This will be non-refundable, as usual, unless I am able to resell your session. Should the weather be an issue, I will reschedule
Additional digital images are available to purchase at the following prices
Package 1 - 3 fully edited digital images £99
Package 2 - 10 fully edited digital images £199
Package 3 - 20/all fully edited digital images, a mobile app, copy of your slideshow from your viewing, Facebook cover photograph and a £50 wall art credit £299
Wall art will be available and samples available to view at your shoot. I have some beautiful products. Information on this service can be found on this page of my website. I will also offer my very popular print collection at a discounted rate when purchased with collection 2 or 3. Samples will be on display at your shoot.
Can't wait to see you there!
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